Meet The Owner’s


Hey y’all! My name is Emily, and I am co-owner of Blue Buckle Boutique. 

I never would’ve thought that I would one day own a small clothing store near my hometown. Where I come from not everyone is comfortable or confident to go into local boutiques because of certain social status. I grew up where I got my brother's hand-me-downs mostly, so I never had a sense of my own style. With my own business I can bring my own style to life and share it with others. 

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Hey pretty woman! My name is Lexie and I am co-owner of Blue Buckle Boutique! 

I am a Radiologic Technologist at a Hospital in North Carolina and a wife to a wonderful husband. It has always been a passion of mine to open a boutique where women feel welcomed! I always found myself following the trend because I thought that was what made you pretty. I finally found my sense of style and I want to help others find theirs!

Our Mission

We are not your typical boutique owners. We know how frustrating it can be to find clothes that love your body! We are your average midsize cowgirls who still like to get dolly’ed up!

We met in  x-ray school and we both have  the same passion and decided to take the leap of faith together! Scrubs for us are our everyday attire. We like to take advantage of any opportunity to show off both our styles!!

 It’s been such a fun journey already and we can’t wait to see where the future takes us! We couldn’t have done it without each other!

At Blue Buckle our main goal is to help women feel beautiful and confident! We want everyone to love what they are wearing, and it doesn’t matter what other people think! Feeling pretty doesn’t have to come with an expensive price tag. Don’t let the clothes wear you, you are what makes the clothes beautiful!

Thank you for supporting our small business and each of you means the world to us!